Bomb Threat

If you receive a bomb threat, do NOT use mobile phone or radio within 15m or set off fire alarm as that may trigger device.

Remain Calm

  • Treat the threat as genuine.
  • Attempt to prolong conversation and do not hang up.
  • Try to alert surrounding staff that about the call.

Be Attentive

  • Note distinguishing background noise, music, traffic, etc.
  • Note voice characteristics (accent, speech patterns).
  • Does the caller indicate knowledge of building/showgrounds?


  • Enter details of call on threat checklist which can be found on below, on the staff intranet, or downloaded from AFP website.


  • Call RNA Security 3253 5124  or 0499 900 161 state “Bomb Threat”.
  • Notify Chief Warden or other ECO members.


  • To assist in search if necessary.
  • To evacuate if necessary.
  • To follow instructions from wardens, security, police, emergency services.

If Object is Found

  • DO NOT TOUCH IT! Report to police or wardens where object is located. If possible, open doors and windows around object to lessen effect. Do not use mobile phone or radio within 15m of the device. Evacuate to safe assembly area.