Building Services Failure

Remain calm and provide assistance as directed and/or necessary.

  • Remain calm and continue with regular work activities if you are able to do so.
  • Report the power outage or affected service to Venue Services Department.
  • Depending on services affected by outage, the emergency control organisation may choose to evacuate or shelter in place depending on situation.
  • Assist occupants that require support or are showing signs of distress.
  • Follow instructions from ECO members and emergency services.
  • Avoid using affected services and treat all equipment as live as power may be restored without notice

Chief Warden – Building Services Manager Actions

  • Place the emergency control organisation (ECO) on standby pending further investigation.
  • Allocate staff to control/restrict the use of the affected services/systems. Advise those who control any critical affected systems, for example.
    • IT Manager (data backup, remote provisions etc)
    • Kitchen Executive Chef and Food Safety Team Leader (Temperature monitoring if cool rooms/freezers have failed and impact on food)
    • Security (RNA and/or event) to ensure security of the building (e.g. loading dock and emergency doors should fail safe so attendants may need to be in position to ensure secure access)
  • Contact relevant service contractors to conduct interim repairs to systems/services that are critical to the safety and security of occupants and business activities.
  • Make provision to ensure the re-commencement of supply (such as power surge) does not have any uncontrolled related risk(s). Provide occupants and SMT with regular updates as to the situation, developments and estimated period of disruption. This can be coordinated via the Leadership Team if the event impacts the whole organisation.
  • Audit the facility to identify any secondary damage resultant from the incident. Only inspect as if safe to do so.
  • Arrange for contractor to complete permanent repairs to the faulty building system.
  • Conduct debrief at an appropriate time following the emergency.