Civil Disturbance

From time to time, the Brisbane Showgrounds or neighbouring precinct may be close to or directly involved in a group disturbance or protest. As an example, this may be a local community issue/protest or associated with group behaviour at a large event on the Showgrounds.  In the event a civil disturbance occurs close to, or at our workplace:


Yourself and others from immediate danger – keep well clear of disturbance.

Remain indoors in secure premises if possible.

Stay away from windows.


RNA Security and the Chief Warden.

Local police or (0) 000 as appropriate to the level of risk.


Refrain from doing anything or saying anything that may encourage irrational behaviour.

Secure entrances to affected area as necessary.

Employees are not permitted to provide comments to media.


Decision to evacuate, shelter in place or neither will be made by Emergency Control Organisation as necessary.

Do Not Evacuate unless directed or building is unsafe.