Crisis Management Activation

In the event of an emergency response escalating to a critical level at the Brisbane Showgrounds or neighbouring premises, consider the following advice.


  • Remove yourself and others from immediate danger, including staff, client, patrons, contractors, visitors, others.
  • Provide immediate first aid and evacuation as appropriate.
  • Report the incident to RNA site security 0499 900 161 and RNA Emergency Services Coordinator (Venue Service Manager - 0418 793 943, Duty Manager or Delegate)
  • Contact or confirm contact with the relevant emergency services.
  • Ring via 000 and appoint resource to meet crew at agreed location

 Emergency Services Coordinator will:

  • Gain an understanding of the nature of the incident
  • Dispatch an on-scene coordinator and security to area if safe to do so

Advise the Chief Executive by telephone of the incident

All Staff

Emergency Services Coordinator

On-Scene Coordinator

  • Protect yourself and others from harm
  • Assess the situation and render first aid if safe
  • Advise security  0499 900 161
  • Follow  instructions given by Emergency Services Coordinator
  • Advise your immediate supervisor / manager
  • Seek assistance from other on-site staff
  • Secure the area and attempt to control situation
  • Confirm  the nature of the incident
  • Obtain all available details
  • Start a personal log of the incident (record)
  • Determine if evacuation is required. If so coordinate
  • Direct security to attend § Coordinate access to site scene and take on role of for emergency services the OSC if required
  • Proceed to scene if required and make assessment of issue/incident
  • Notify the Chief Executive of the incident by phone
  • Attend the scene and confirm nature of incident
  • Assess response needs
  • Provide regular updates to ESC
  • Cordon off or secure area
  • Coordinate access to site for emergency services
  • Coordinate security and other on-site workers to assist in controlling the incident until emergency services arrives

Further Information – Next Steps


The RNA EAP provider can provide counselling support during and after emergency situations. A fully qualified, registered and experienced psychologist can provide counselling services (face to face) as well as crisis contact and emergency after hours telephone counselling – 24 hours, 365 days per year, Australia-wide. This service is available to all RNA employees and their immediate families. For further details refer to the RNA Work, Health and Safety (WHS) Team, consult the intranet page or talk to your Manager.


All incidents impacting the health, safety or wellbeing of any person associated with the Brisbane Showgrounds shall be reported via your Manager and an investigation supported by the WHS team.


In the event of a critical incident resulting in an interruption to business you will be contacted and kept up to date by your direct Manager and the RNA Human Resources Team. If the event results in temporary or long term closure you will be advised and updated regularly on safe and suitable working arrangements. RNA may contact staff using RNA ALERT SMS.


Both emergency test exercises and events provide us with the opportunity to review and improve our emergency responses. Chief wardens and leaders should gather feedback from employees and action local improvements.

Suggestions for improvements should be directed to the Emergency Planning Committee.