
Every situation should be assessed before a decision to evacuate is made. If you are alerted to a potential emergency situation in the building (either by hearing the ALERT alarm, being told by your warden or other announcement).

Remain Calm

Do not panic, calm others around you showing signs of agitation.


Advise your floor warden.

Call Security and advise of the situation.


Direct building occupants to safe assembly area.

Note: This may change from day to day – follow instructions from wardens.

Contain the Impact

  • Stay where you are. If you are away from your normal work area do not return to your normal work area.
  • If safe to do so, close down your computer, secure important papers, secure cash, gather essential personal belongings (eg. car/house keys and mobile phones).
  • Reassure any clients, patrons, visitors and contractors that the situation is being investigated.
  • Await further instructions from your warden(s), an evacuation alarm or other announcement.
  • First Aid Officers – collect your portable first aid kit ready for evacuation, if required.


  • Follow warden instructions.
  • Evacuate your work area in an orderly manner.
  • Check clients, patrons, visitors and contractors are directed to the safest emergency exit.
  • Do not run or push past others on escape routes or in emergency stairwells.
  • Proceed to the nominated assembly point and find your work team.
  • Remain at the assembly point until advised by a warden or the emergency services that it is safe to return to the building.


Toilets and amenities on way out to ensure occupants are not left behind.


Report any refusals to evacuate to your warden team.

Report any missing persons to your warden at the assembly area.

NOTE: If you or any other person in our workplace has a permanent or temporary impairment/health issue that may prevent safe evacuation, inform a warden in your area who will arrange appropriate assistance.