Medical Emergency

Alert RNA Security on becoming aware of the situation (0499 900 161).

In the event of cardiac arrest or life threatening emergency – call 000 and pass on the following:

  • Your name and contact details
  • Patient details (number of patients, age, gender, responsive? conscious? breathing? Nature of illness/injury)
  • Advise them of address, building, nearest street intersection (Royal ICC is located at 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills)
  • Send someone to meet ambulance and escort them to patient’s location


Ensure area is safe for patient, responders & yourself. Do not endanger yourself or others.


Check for response – Say name – squeeze shoulders or hand.

No response

Response – make comfortable & monitor.

Send help

Dial RNA Security and state “Ambulance Required” or get someone else to make the call.


Check the airway is clear

Open mouth – look inside, clear any foreign material with fingers.


Check for breathing

Not breathing?

Start CPR – send for defibrillator.

Normal Breathing

Place in recovery position and monitor.


Begin CPR, give 2 breaths per 30 chest compression. Continue CPR until help arrives or patient recovers. Rotate with other first aiders regularly to ensure good quality CPR.


Apply defibrillator and follow voice prompts.

Do not leave the patient alone. | Do not move the patient unless exposed to greater harm. | Provide support and assistance until help arrives.