Personal Threat

This section refers to armed or aggressive confrontation, hostage seizure, siege or other high risk situations and may include personal assault, armed hold-ups, and robbery

Remain Calm

  • Do not panic or shout, avoid direct eye contact
  • Do not make any sudden movements

Do not take  risks

  • Hand over whatever valuables requested (eg. cash)
  • Do not do anything that may antagonise the offender
  • Do only what you are told – do not volunteer any additional information


  • If it is safe to do so without endangering yourself, alert other staff members
  • If a duress alarm is available, discreetly activate it
  • If safe to do so, or if witnessing an incident, ring 000 immediately and follow the instructions of the operator including giving your name and location


  • Note offender characteristics – sex, height, voice, clothing, tattoos, jewellery, any distinctive clothing and note any surface the offender may have touched and vehicle details (registration, last known direction)

Report any instances of aggression, physical or verbal abuse, armed hold ups, robbery, theft or suspicious behaviour to RNA Security immediately.