Suspicious Package

STOP what you are doing and put the item down!


Remove people from immediate area around package to a safe area.

If anyone has possibly been exposed to chemical or substance, isolate the person and call for medical assistance.


Security and Chief Warden. Notify police but DO NOT USE mobile phone or two way radio near the suspect package.


  • Isolate package or substance and do not let occupants enter the area
  • DO NOT move package – relay details of package to chief warden or security
  • If suspected chemical or substance – turn off local air handling equipment and report to Facilities  management to do same with BMS
  • If suspected IED or bomb, evacuate immediate area and ensure evacuation path does not lead past affected area. Leave doors and windows open on way out to lessen blast effect. DO not touch light switches or use mobile phone in vicinity


If an evacuation is necessary, (either full or partial) follow the direction of your wardens and emergency services.

Wait for instructions to the safest evacuation route and nominated assembly area, which could differ from normal assembly areas.

Never assemble people in area directly in front or below glassed façade of building, such as plaza façade of Royal ICC.

Leave doors open after evacuation to reduce the potential blast effect.